Informate DFW
Beauty & FashionLifestyle

Fashion Stars Shine on the RUNWAY

By Valentino Torres

Dallas designers, Oscar Fierro (NBC Fashion Star season 1) and James Martinez (Lifetime Project Runway season 11) collaborated together on Wednesday March 13th for a fabulous fashion show named RUNWAY.

RUNWAY began with a performance by Tommie Ross, who presented an electrifying DIVA number in which sang an Erykah Badu song. However, as in any event of such magnitude, it was obvious the excitement and nerve of the organizers and some models.  The show was about to start as the lights were being dimmed and there was no turning back for anyone. “A crew of  200 people started to show signs of stress and cracks back stage. There were some hair pulling between a producer and a model, tears and  disagreements, and lots of yielding and back stabbing”, posted Oscar Fierro on his Facebook page a day after the event.

But, despite all the chaos, the crew and organizers showed their professionalism and the runway was soon filled with a wave of applause and the satisfaction of all attendees.

Definitely, RUNWAY was the event of the year. The crowd was mixed, from Highland Park-Botox addicts to fashion queen and kings who traveled from all over the US to attend the event that, according to Dallas’ fashionistas, will open a new chapter in the fashion industry.

The event was hosted by the gorgeous Gaby Natale,  TV personality, lifestyle blogger, & co-executive producer of EMMY nominated show SuperLatina, and Steve Noviello, 6 time EMMY Award winner journalist, & Consumer Reporter for Fox 4 News. Guest Designers included accessory designers: Elia de Leon, Shawn D. Florence, Alice Stella Kelsey, Mario Alberto Gallegos & Andre Terry, Lily VASAELINI, Britt Harless Z, and Sarah Martin Bemrich.

The media pit was full and it was a flash extravaganza! The 100% SOLD OUT show ended to be one of the best fashion shows Dallas has seen in a while,  and everyone gave its best from models, to hair/makeup, to designers.

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