Safety Message from Fire Chief Molina, City of Irving Fire Department
As the weather gets nicer, children begin to play outdoor sports.
*Each year, more than 30 million children participate in sports in the United States and more than 3.5 million children ages 14 and under are treated for sports injuries.*
Please keep these safety tips in mind to keep children safe when playing a sport or participating in any type of physical activity outdoors:
- Make sure children always wear appropriate protective gear for the activity.
- Make sure responsible adults know and enforce the safety rules of the sport, are present to provide supervision, and are trained in first aid and CPR.
- Have children wear SPF 15 or higher sunscreen.
- Make sure children STAY HYDRATED – Children can easily become dehydrated while playing a sport or participating in any type of physical activity. Dehydration can make a child more susceptible to a heat-related illness, such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or heat stroke.
Please be aware of the signs of dehydration:
- Thirst
- Dry or sticky mouth
- Headache
- Muscle cramping
- Irritability
- Extreme fatigue
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Decreased performance
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