Dallas ISD to offer Summer Food Service Program starting June 4
The Dallas Independent School District’s Food and Child Nutrition Services, in conjunction with the Texas Department of Agriculture, will provide free meals to Dallas children and youth, ages one through 18, through the Summer Food Service Program.
The Summer Food Service Program will run from Monday through Friday, starting June 4 through August 17, with the exception of July 4. The program’s goal is to ensure that youth throughout Dallas will not go without proper nutrition during the summer months.
Dallas ISD students who attend summer school will receive free breakfasts through the Breakfast in the Classroom program.
Approximately 50,000 meals will be prepared for distribution daily. The participating sites will be located at Dallas ISD schools, parks, colleges, churches, and activity centers throughout Dallas.
For more information and a list of participating sites, visit the Web sites www.dallasisd.org or www.summerfood.org, or call (214) 932-5500 or 2-1-1.