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The Annual Mayor’s Summer Reading Challenge (Fort Worth)

The program is open to participants of all ages, and everyone is eligible to win some great prizes — including iPads, Kindle Fires, Nooks, netbook computers and museum memberships.

It’s easy to get started; just stop by your local Fort Worth Library location starting May 26th and pick up a reading card.

And remember, the Summer Reading Challenge isn’t just about reading — the Library has fun programs, too! Throughout June and July Fort Worth library locations and Early Childhood Matters centers will present children and adult programs that are both entertaining and educational.

Some of the programs are:

  • Incredible Bubble Show
  • Kambri Crews: Memoir Lecture
  • NASA Explore!
  • Artcycletex
  • Eric Herman’s Cool Tunes for Kids

For a complete list of programs, dates and times visit the website or your local branch.

It all wraps up with the Grand Celebration on Sunday, Aug. 12, 1 – 5 p.m. at the Central Library. They’ll have live music, story tellers and free refreshments! Plus, they will announce the winners of the grand prizes. The Grand Celebration is open to the public and is a great way for the whole family to conclude a summer of reading and fun!

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