Informate DFW

Traditional Three Wise Men Celebration bringing joy and free health services to our community

Clínicas Mi Doctor, Smile Magic and Universal Health Care Group unite efforts to revive the traditional Three Wise Men Celebration in Dallas. The first “Reyes Magos con Regalos para tí” community event will be held on January 12, 2013 at Clínicas Mi Doctor Ross Ave. (5334 Ross Ave. Dallas, TX 75206) starting at 9:00 am. Face painting, cotton candy, popcorn, gifts, music and free health services such as: Glucose screening, blood pressure tests, and health consultations will be provided at no cost to the community.

“It is very important to keep our traditions live. In many Hispanic countries the celebration of the Three Wise Men is a symbol of our devotion to Baby Jesus and the love he brings to the world. At Clínicas Mi Doctor we are very conscious of the limitations that our community has in terms of health care. Many times our families avoid going to the doctor because it could be expensive and difficult. This joint effort is inspired in the idea of giving to the most vulnerable. We want to put our little grain to make our community better, especially during this holiday season. To these three health care companies, our children are the most important.” commented Federico Cornejo, Director of Business Development for Clínicas Mi Doctor.

“All media and families are invited to attend on Saturday January 12 starting at 9 am, at our Ross location. With this event, we would also like to thank our patients and sponsors for their invaluable support” concluded Cornejo.

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