Cara Mía Theatre and the Oak Cliff Cultural Center are gearing up for another summer of the School of YES!
School of Yes! is free with scholarships offered from Cara Mía Theatre Co. and the Oak Cliff Cultural Center!
Camp Dates:
JUNE 10 – JULY 5
Mon. – Fri. 9am – 4:15pm
Spaces available for:
- 25 Students Age 7-10
- 25 Students Age 11-14
- 10 High School Student Leaders
The School of YES! is a free multidisciplinary arts Summer Camp for kids ages 7-14. Students will learn the fundamentals of theater, music, dance, visual art, cinematography and leadership skills. Through these multidisciplinary arts classes, young people learn that creativity is a life skill.
Plus, 10 PAID positions are available for High School Student Leaders to mentor younger students and study film, photography and leadership!
Say YES! to The School of YES! and apply today! Contact for more info or click HERE for the application! Learn more at