Informate DFW

A Strong Start

A message from Dallas ISD District 4 Trustee, Karla Garcia:

The beginning of the 2019-2020 school year is just around the corner! As a Pleasant Grove resident and a Dallas ISD trustee, I look forward to supporting Dallas ISD in furthering its goal to ensure that all Dallas students have the same access to quality educational opportunities.

First and foremost, I’m proud to inform you that more 3- and 4-year-olds qualify to attend free pre-K at Dallas ISD schools this year! There are new guidelines to qualify for the pre-K scholarship program this year, allowing more families to receive this service at no cost. The change comes after the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees approved the program during their June meeting. I encourage families to learn more by calling 972-932-7735 or visiting

I’m excited to announce that Kleberg Elementary school will open a STEAM campus this month! This new program will allow the children to excel in core content subjects (reading, math, science and social students). They will be able to apply their knowledge through different activities related to computing, engineering and architecture, among others. All current Kleberg students, children in the attendance zone and transfer students (based on capacity) can attend the STEAM campus. 

Several District 4 campuses have kept themselves busy with renovations during the summer. Julius Dorsey Elementary installed new carpet in its auditorium and library, as well as new classroom floors. And staff at Nancy Moseley Elementary were surprised when a community partner decided to give back to our amazing teachers! Springs Fellowship Church members volunteered to paint the teacher break room and workroom, refurbished the teachers’ lounge with new appliances and donated school supplies. Thank you for supporting our educators!

I’m excited to welcome two new principals to our schools: Francine Taylor and Amy Ward, who will be leading H. Grady Spruce High School and Ebby Halliday Elementary School, respectively. Thank you for serving our community. 

Other District News

Back to School Hotline: To help your school year get off to the right start, the district’s Back To School hotline will be available the entire first week of school at 972-925-5437. Bilingual representatives will be answering questions about transportation, enrollment, school hours, immunizations, and more.

Transportation Tools: Your child’s transportation information is just a click away! Download the FREE Versatrans My Stop app to access your child’s bus route and schedule. Also, sign up for Bus Bulletin to receive immediate updates regarding your child’s school bus location. For more information, visit 

College Fair: High schoolers are invited to register for the 2019 Districtwide College Fair taking place on September 18 from 5:30–8:30 p.m. at Ellis Davis Field House. Hundreds of representatives from colleges near and far will be there to meet face-to-face and answer questions. Students should see their high school counselor to sign up for free admission and transportation as well as free college entrance immunizations.

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