Informate DFW

Dallas County Judge Jenkins Urges Residents to be Prepared

Today, our Emergency Management staff talked with the Texas Division of Emergency Management and the City of Dallas and City of Irving Offices of Emergency Management as well as others regarding the earthquakes that have been occurring in Dallas County. 

 In Dallas County, we use an “All Hazards Approach” to emergency response and preparedness which includes earthquake planning.  This week our emergency management staff will conduct a conference call with SMU and city emergency managers to discuss technical information and develop additional guidance to better ensure our plans and procedures are up-to-date and specific to this type of hazard.

While the cause of these earthquakes is still being investigated and the threat for a major earthquake in Dallas County remains low, I would encourage our residents to review important earthquake preparedness and safety information from FEMA and the American Red Cross.

Here are some important earthquake preparedness tips:

  • Have an emergency kit that includes items such as bottled water, several days’ worth of food, a flashlight, a first aid kit, pet food, and a battery powered radio (for full list go to

  • Fasten shelves securely to walls

  • Place large or heavy objects on lower shelves

  • Locate safe spots in each room under a sturdy table or against an inside wall

  • Hold earthquake drills with your family members: Drop, cover and hold on!

    • DROP to your hands and knees

    • COVER your head and neck with your arms and only move if you need to get away from the danger of falling objects

    • HOLD ON to any sturdy shelter until the shaking stops

If you find yourself in an earthquake, it’s important to remember these Do’s and Don’ts:

  • DO drop, cover and hold on!

  • DO stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls

  • DO NOT get in a doorway

  • DO stay inside until the shaking stops

  • DO NOT use the elevators.

  • If outside, DO move away from buildings, streetlights, and utility wires

You can find more information on how to prepare for and respond to an earthquake at the following websites:

·  (Spanish language site


·      FEMA Earthquake Safety Checklist 

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