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New Tax Credit Education Workshops From Dallas Community Tax Center

Dallas Community Tax Centers presents tax credit education workshops. Workshops are geared toward the following audiences (All sessions are available in English and Spanish):

High School/College Students: For all ISD high schools/after-school programs that would like for us to provide tax credit information directly to their students regarding: filing taxes as a student; what are their responsibilities to file individually and as a dependent; and tips on what to review with employers regarding filing taxes.

Tax Credit Basics: This presentation can be adapted for 30-1 hour segments and available in English or Spanish. The presentation will cover the following topics: What is VITA (volunteer income tax assistance); -Locations within Dallas County; Qualifications for: Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, Additional Child Tax Credit, Filing Status options, Self-Employment Taxes; and Savings Opportunities at the Tax Centers

Self-Employment Tax Basics:  For small businesses owners and independent contractors. Learn the basics of record keeping for IRS purposes, what types of taxes the VITA (volunteer income tax assistance) are able to provide and listing of site locations within Dallas County.

Introduction to Dallas Community Tax Centers: Are you holding a meeting or gathering where you would like for us to briefly introduce the services of the Dallas Community Tax Centers.  These sessions are available in Spanish and English for 5 – 15 minute opportunities.

You may book staff for a workshop by registering your event at


Contact Amanda Arizola or Sofia Sanchez, DCTC Outreach Coordinator at and

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