Informate DFW

The Juice Phenomenon

It’s evident the juicing trend is on the rise.  According to a report from Marketline, the demand for juices, and fruit juices in particular, continues to rise mainly due to increasing consumer awareness of the health benefits of a balanced diet. “The global juices industry reached a worth of almost $84 billion in 2010, after recording yearly growth in excess of 2% for the four preceding years, reports Marketline.” Juicing is packed with so many benefits; from shedding those extra pounds to cleansing your digestive system,  and even to giving you that beautiful glowing skin. Former Jamba Juice manager, and juice extraordinaire, Cesar Franco gives us 3 recipes from his own collection!

For a great detox and cleansing your liver:

**This mix hydrates and flushes out toxins. Perfect for a hot, Texas summer and for recuperating from those rough weekends!

-A gallon of water
-1/2 a cucumber
-one small sliced orange
-one sliced lemon
-12 mint leaves
-1 teaspoon of shredded ginger root
Refrigerate for about 3 hours. Serve, sip and enjoy!

For loosing those extra pounds you gained at your tia’s carne asada:

**This is a great morning drink. It will give you tons of energy and increases metabolism aiding weight loss.
-One small banana
-One cup of fresh pineapple
-2 cups of mixed fresh kale and spinach
-6-8 ounces of coconut water (may substitute for either soy milk or water)
-Protein Boost
Blend.  Serve, sip and enjoy!

For curing your hangovers and cleansing kidneys and liver:

**This drink gives you a little extra cleanse targeting your filtering system.
-One peeled grapefruit
-2 medium peeled oranges
-One lime or lemon
-1/4 of olive oil
-6-8 ounces of water
Blend. Serve, Sip and Enjoy!

Disclaimer:The information on this website and provided in this article are for healthy lifestyle purposes and it is not intended as medical advice. The information contained here has not been evaluated by the FDA, and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice or medical care of a qualified health care professional, and you should seek the advice of your health care professional before undertaking any dietary or lifestyle changes. Further, information relevant to nutrition and medicine is constantly evolving as research continues, so we can make no warranty or guarantee, either express or implied, regarding the completeness, accuracy, or currency of this information, nor its suitability for any particular purpose.

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