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Yanga : The AfroMexican Experience

LATINO ARTS PROJECT presents an immersive art experience at the Latino Cultural Center. This free exhibit brings awareness to the diversity of cultures within our communities and highlights the commonalities we share.

The little-known story of Gaspar Yanga will be explored, for the first time, in a separate museum exhibition. Past exhibitions have included Yanga’s story within context of other topics, but this is the first museum exhibition exclusively about Yanga, the first liberator of the Americas.

Yanga and the AfroMexican Experience features an entire gallery devoted to Yanga, exploring this historical story with documents from the Archivo General de la Nacion (National Archives) in Mexico City and Archivo General de Indias (Archive of the Indies) in Seville, Spain.

The second gallery is devoted to exploring the cultural impact of the AfroMexican experience. The exhibition explores in depth the influence in music, dance, food and art in each of the three main areas of Mexico with a direct African impact.

Learn about the African experience in the Mexican state of Veracruz, as the main landing site for many of the enslaved Africans that went directly to Mexico on the Caribbean coast, Costa Chica, the southern Pacific area that crosses the Mexican states of Guerrero and Oaxaca and the Texas bordering state of Coahuila that became a refuge for former slaves from the US.

This exhibition enhances Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DEI) awareness with a STE(A)M-focused educational experience, for students of all ages, with animated and documentary videos and artistic representations with paintings, wood sculptures and textiles.

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