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NAHJ Offers Scholarships for the 2012-2013 School Year

NAHJ will once again offer scholarships for the 2012-2013 school year to full-time undergraduate and graduate students pursuing careers in journalism in English or Spanish-language media, or both. The series of scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 have varying requirements and are open to students attending four-year and community colleges in the Unites States and Puerto Rico.

The 2012 scholarships are possible thanks to substantial personal donations from Univision’s Maria Elena Salinas, Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera, CNN’s Soledad O’Brien; contributions from companies like PepsiCo, Ford Motor Company, and Univision; and other donations from NAHJ members and friends.

Since the first check was cut in 1988, NAHJ has awarded about $1.6  million to more than 650 students as they complete their education to enter the ranks of professional journalists. All applications and accompanying materials must be submitted electronically by Monday, July 16. 2012.

Remember to be considered for any NAHJ Scholarship, students must be a current member of NAHJ for the 2012 calendar year. To join or renew your membership, click here. The annual dues for students currently are $20.

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