Informate DFW

Con Mi Madre College and Career Fair 3/28

We are excited to announce that it is again time for Con Mi Madre’s annual College and Career Fair.  Con Mi Madre is a non-profit organization that serves Fort Worth ISD with the goal of increasing post-secondary education.  They work with girls and their mothers starting in 6th grade with a focus on preparation, empowerment and engaging their support system.  Con Mi Madre then continues to support the students until they complete their college degrees through mentoring and coaching.  Registration is open to have your organization/career represented at our upcoming fair. You can also represent your Alma Mater!  Below is the communication and registration link for the event.   

Con Mi MADRE would like to invite you to their annual Without Limits/Sin Limites Bilingual College & Career Fair! The innovative event is scheduled for Saturday, March 28th, 2020, from 9 a.m. to 12:00p.m. in Fort Worth, Texas. 

To register as an exhibitor, please sign-up by Monday, March 16th by completing the form below:

What sets this college and career fair apart from others in North Texas is the focus on providing families with vital college and career information in both English and Spanish, while creating a culture focused on post-secondary education. As the fastest growing segment of the North Texas population, Latino families must be inspired and provided with credible information presented in a culturally sensitive manner.

Con Mi Madre provides participants with content and materials in both English and Spanish (translators may be available to exhibitors upon request). Please note on the attached registration form if you will need this service.

While designed with the Latino family in mind, the Without Limits/Sin Limites Bilingual College & Career Fair is open to all families regardless of race or ethnicity.

Event Details:

Date: Saturday, March 28th, 2020

Location: Fort Worth Central Library
500 W 3rd St, Fort Worth, TX 76102

9 a.m.  – Exhibitor Set Up and Breakfast

10 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. College & Career Fair

More Information

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