Informate DFW
Beauty & Fashion

Skin Basics

By Sarai Vega

Zits, wrinkles, dark circles, OH MY! Yup, we’ve encountered them all! There is not one person who hasn’t fought against these horrible skin troubles. But, there is no need to fret. I have a few tips for you that will help you keep your skin looking radiant, glowing and feeling like a million bucks!

water bottle1-    Water, Water, Water!  You hear it everywhere. Water is essential to keep your body and skin free from toxins.  Not only does it flush toxins, but it also keeps your skin hydrated and supple. Start taking care of your skin from the inside by drinking water. Lots of it!

2-    Sleep like a baby. Believe it or not, sleeping can actually help your skin restore itself. Our skin regenerateswhenever we sleep. If you are not getting enough hours of sleep at night, your skin is more prone to dryness, dehydration, and other negative outcomes. Your body will also take a hit, making you feel fatigued and s

anti-aging-treatment-for-skin-care3-    Protection is key.  This is one tip that many of us tend to overlook the most. Most of us forget to wear sun protection. The sun is the one number one reason for aging.  The sun damages our skin by breaking collagen and elastin. It also produces dark spots by damaging our pigmentation cells. As you can see, unprotected exposure to the sun can be extremely harmful to the skin. Protect your skin by wearing a moisturizer with SPF.

4-    Eat well. I know we are all lovers of tacos and gorditas, but here’s another tip to make you think twice. These delights can add to problematic skin. Foods high in sodium will dehydrate your skin. Spicy foods can irritate the skin. Eat a balanced diet, lots of fruits and vegetables. Be mindful of what you eat. Your skin will reflect your type of diet.


5-    Invest in good skin products. Make sure you have a good basic understanding of how your skin works. This will help you buy products that work well for your skin. If you don’t have acne, then don’t buy acne products. If you don’thave dry skin, then don’t buy products for dry skin. Not using the correct products can possibly irritate the skin and maybe even cause it to breakout or clog. Your basic products should consist of a cleanser, day moisturizer (with SPF of course!) and a night cream. An exfoliator is also an essential part because it keeps dead skin off and away from your pores!

6-    Stay moving! I cannot stress this enough! Going out for a 30 min walk is one of the most beneficial things you could do for your skin. It promotes circulation. It gets your blood pumping.  Keeping yourself active will also relieve stress helping you and your skin feeling breathable and a lot better. Walk around your block to feel re-energized.


7-    Pamper yourself. Delight yourself with a monthly facial. If that’s not within your monthly budget, try going every 2-3 months. A lot of the times estheticians use products and perform massages that are beneficial to your skin. Your skin could really use a deep cleanse every few weeks, and trust me, your skin will thank you for it in the long run!


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