There is no shortage of business ideas in America but the levels of business equity created are skewed. Some experts believe there is a gap in some American communities where a large percentage of ideas spawned by would-be entrepreneurs never reach your shelf, table or browser. I researched and analyzed this paradox, after attending the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas’ event entitled “Strengthening the Economy by Strengthening Microbusiness” on January 31, 2013.
I wanted to understand why some ideas become reality and financially impact the business owners in a positive way and others fade as quickly as they come. Is the problem, solely, lack of capital? Are the majority of the business ideas created by women and people of color terrible ideas or too small for bankers or investors to care? Are the majority of the business ideas created by women and people of color terrible ideas or too small for bankers or equity investors to care about?
Read to learn more… New blog post: Idea Rich and Equity Poor in America!