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Cultural ResourcesEducation

Eighth Annual International Book Fair to be held April 27

Authors, lectures, storytelling, music and poetry will all be part of the Eighth Annual International Book Fair to be held from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 27 at the J. Erik JonssonCentral Library, 1515 Young St. The family event will feature more than 30 local authors, plus artistic and cultural performances, film and book presentations, educational workshops, children’s activities and a special presentation by DART. All programs and activities are free and open to the public.

Among this year’s featured authors is Nancy Smith, author of Dallas International with J.R. Ewing: History of Real Dalla sites in the Spotlight of ‘Dallas,’ Southfork and the 1980’s Gold Rush. Smith is the only Dallas columnist who covered Dallas society and celebrities during the years that the original series “Dallas” was broadcast.

Other events and activities will include:

1. A Discovery Wall trip to the Cleveland Institute of Music, courtesy of Atmos Energy and Dallas Public Library. Cleveland Institute of Music students will perform and talk about how their musical training affects their lives.
Children’s Studio Creations Reuse, Recycle, READ, presented by the Dallas Museum of Art. Participants will make a bookmark by weaving found materials into rug canvas.
2. Spoken Word Poetry by poet, author and performer Brandon Jackson.
3. Zumba fitness party with instructor Cecilia Mendoza. Participants will experience Zumba’s exotic rhythms set to high-energy Latin and international beats.
4. “So You Want to Write a Book,” an introduction to the publishing process by author Camille Gray. Topics will include a discussion of the business of writing, self-publishing versus traditional publishing, manuscript preparation and marketing.
5. “The Editor’s Perspective: Learn How to Get Your Short Story Published,” presented by Carve magazine Editor Matthew Limpede. He will discuss what makes a short story stand out, where to submit, and how to write cover letter.

For more information, please visit

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