Informate DFW

Hispanic community could benefit from City Bond Program

La comunidad hispana podría beneficiarse con programa bonos

The honorable Monica R. Alonzo, wants to encourage Hispanics to vote for the city’s 2012 bond propositions because the projects will have a great impact in the city and on the Hispanic community.  “I think this is going to be a great opportunity for the city and for our families,” she said. “In the area I represent in West Dallas, for example, there is going to be increased economic development, which will create many more opportunities than before and more options for our families. And around Bachman Lake, the bond will repair some of the areas so that there are more walking paths.”  She stressed the importance of voters choosing “FOR” on the three propositions that can be found at the end of the ballot for the general election because the bond money will fix streets, prevent flooding and foster economic development—all without a tax increase for Dallas home owners.

Depending on where people live, they will see improvements that range from repairing streets, sidewalks and bridges to promoting multi-modal transportation such as bike lanes, trails and pedestrian-friendly streets. The bond program will provide drainage and flood protection that will save lives and protect property. It also will provide infrastructure improvements to attract new retail and residential developments in the southern sector and around DART stations. These target areas for the $642 million bond program were determined after a long and comprehensive process that involved reviewing the comprehensive land-use plan and more than two dozen master plans for various city facilities and functions. In addition, Dallas City Council members and thousands of Dallas citizens, business associations, and homeowner and neighborhood groups provided input about the priorities for the program.

“Debemos tomar ese paso para poder salir a votar y ejercer ese derecho que nos han brindado”, Alonzo said about the Hispanic community. “Debemos ir a la última página de la boleta. Esta es la mejor manera en que podemos servir a nuestra comunidad sin que se suban las taxas”. And once the community votes for the three propositions on the bond program, Alonzo would like to encourage Dallas citizens to continue to provide input to City Hall about the needs in their communities, she said.  “Ellos son los ojos y los oídos, saben lo que se necesita, lo que hemos hecho, y lo que debemos continuar haciendo”, she said.


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