Thirty years ago, a young actor named Antonio Banderas (Jose Antonio Dominguez Banderas), was sitting with friends outside Madrid’s National Theatre when a curious figure stopped by. This figure had a bright red briefcase and ordered a drink, cracked jokes and suddenly turned to Antonio saying: “You have a very romantic face… you should do movies. Bye, bye!” and took off. Antonio’s friends told him “That was Pedro Almodóvar, he made a movie once, but he won’t make any more.”
This story from Xan Brooks- got my full attention and my admiration grew about Pedro Almodovar’s powerful casting skills.
This week we are briefly talking about Antonio Banderas and director Pedro Almodóvar, the reason? Their new film: The Skin I Live In (La Piel Que Habito), shot in Spain and after 20 years, this pair reunites for an imminent extreme hit.
Why is so relevant this reunion? Besides the SO expected alliance of these two, it’s just the simple fact that they started a very interesting and successful relationship 30 years ago; and they have not worked together for 20. If someone is responsible for Banderas’ stardom, that is Pedro Almodóvar, and it’s been well-humbly noted by the actor.
‘Laberinto de Pasiones’ (1982) was the one film where Pedro cast Antonio and he got the role! Then, they went on with ‘Matador’, ‘La Ley del Deseo’, and finally obtaining his first Main Role in ‘Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervio’.
Few months ago Almodóvar spoke with the Spanish newspaper, El Pais, about this VERY expected thriller: “The film will be a terror film, without screams or scares. It’s difficult to define and although it comes close to the terror genre — something that appeals to me that I’ve never done — I won’t respect any of its rules. It’s the harshest film I’ve ever written and Banderas’ character is brutal.”
The Skin I Live In (La Piel que habito), will definitely be a new plot experience from the director, HOWEVER, we will enjoy this horror piece with his signature elements as we are used to.
‘A plastic surgeon’s revenge on the man that raped his daughter’ is the basic short treatment for this movie which is based on the novel “Tarantula” by Thierry Jonquet. Apparently we’ll be able to enjoy Almodovar’s versatile twists as he insisted in making drastic changes… and somehow predictable, coming from one of the most successful and famous Spanish filmmaker.
Richard Lafargue (Antonio Banderas) is a plastic surgeon with dirty secrets. He’s developed an innovative type of artificial skin. He decides to take it to the extreme and uses Vera (Elena Anaya), for experimental purposes… She’s been imprisoned and observed in his house. Will revenge, passion and eroticism take place? Trust me… it will. Almodóvar will not let us down. Opens this Friday, October 14.
Another hit this week: The Way.
THE WAY is the story of an unexpected gift a son hands off to his father, a gift that emerges out of the blue from the twists and turns of an impulsive but illuminating journey.
Similarly, the film’s production was marked by a close and deep father-and-son collaboration – one that took director Emilio Estevez and actor Martin Sheen on a passage together into the high mountains of France and Spain and through some of the richly human questions that draw them both: questions about love, about community and about what keeps us moving forward when the road starts getting tougher, stranger and seemingly more forbidding. In the process, they had a chance to explore not only the awe-inspiring land of their ancestors, but their shared fascination with the power of laughter, forgiveness and even vexing relationships to make the most arduous path feel meaningful. Courtesy of Producers Distribution Agency & Arc Entertainment.
What’s Rolling this week?
The Skin I Live In (La Piel que habito)
Antonio Banderas, Elena Anaya, Marisa Paredes
Director: Pedro Almodóvar
The Way
Martin Sheen, Emilio Estevez, Deborah Kara Unger, Yorick Van Wageningen and James Nesbitt.
Director : Emilio Estevez
Drama/ Music, Air, Culture, Folk, colors…. And an ethnomusicologist love story.
(Due to personal passion for Africa and music, gotta say… My #1 pick)
Kris Marshall, Isaach de Bankole, Will Yun Lee
Director: Lavinia Currier
Nicolas Cage, Nicole Kidman, Liana Liberato.
Director: Joel Schumacher (Phone Booth)
Horror/Science Fiction/Thriller
Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Joel Edgerton, Ulrich Thomsen.
Director: Matthijs Van Heijningen Jr.
# 1 pick for this Halloween Season. Takes place in the beauty of Antarctica.