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2013 Latin Gourmet Awards: Spotlight on Chef James Tahhan

The 2013 Latin Gourmet Awards are back and in full effect! Forecast? Great celebrity chefs and their culinary art! This event will take place on Friday October 4th, 2013 at the Hampton Inn Suite & Convention Expo Center in Mesquite, TX.  Event will start at 6:30 pm and will be followed by the presentation of the awards at 7:30 pm. 5 awards total will be distributed that night including 2 local awards: International Chef Award, National Chef Award, Honorary Award, DFW Local Chef Award and Entrepreneur Award.

94ce15011f0f2607099a68462d0_135543436047___363x484This year we are also delighted to have the very recognized Venezuelan chef James Tahhan as another one of our featured chefs. This year he brings some of his most requested tips and tricks for the city of Dallas.  From his early stages of childhood, Tahhan demonstrated his attraction for the culinary world. He went from playing cars to playing with pots and pans. One of his heavy influencers was his neighborhood friend’s father whom he called “Senor David”. At the age of 13, he along with his mother made their way to the United States. At that point, Tahhan had an obesity issue, which prompted him to create some of the most healthy and delicious recipes. Chef James has studied and been part of some of the top leading universities. He started his culinary career with preparation from the very prestigious “Le Cordon Bleu” culinary school.  There he specialized in International Cuisine and Bakery. His passion for food took him far. He graduated with Honors from Le Cordon Bleu.  During his time in school, he began his own catering business called “Avokado”. Here he was able to practice and put into play all that he had learned in school.

After some time, Chef James decided to audition for the morning show “Levantate”. He then became the TV network’s official chef. After some time, the TV channel “Utilisima” picked Tahhan and made him part of their top show “Puro Chef”. One of his greatest accomplishments was being able to crossover to the American public when he was chosen to be a part of the campaign “NBC Healthy Week”.

Look for this extremely talented and driven Chef at the Latin Gourmet Awards!




Los Premios Latinos Gourmet 2013 han regresado! El pronostico? Chefs de categoria enorme y el arte culinario que los identifica! Este evento se llevara acabo el Viernes 4 de Octubre, 2013 en el Hampton Inn and Suite & Convention Expo Center en Mesquite, TX.  Dara inicio a las 6:30 pm seguido por la presentacion de los premios a las 7:30 pm.  Habra 5 premios que se estaran dando incluyendo 2 premios locales: International Chef Award, National Chef Award, Honorary Award, DFW Local Chef Award, y Entrepreneur Award.


Este ano estamos encantados en tener al Chef Venezolano, Chef James Tahhan quien sera otro de nuestros chefs destacados. Este ano el nos trae sus consejos y trucos mas solicitados. Su amor al mundo gastronomo empieza desde su infancia. Desde su ninez, Tahhan manifesto su atraccion por la cocina. En vez de jugar con carros, el jugaba con ollas y sartenes. Uno de las personas que influyeron en el, fue el padre de uno de sus amigos. Lo llamaba “Senor David”. A los 13 anos, el y su madre llegaron a los Estados Unidos. En ese tiempo, el se estaba enfrentando a un problema de obesidad. Fue este problema que provoco que el se enfocara en crear comida y recetas deliciosas y muy saludables. Chef James estudio en una de las universadades mas prestigiosas de gastronomia. El empezo su carrera y capacitacion el la Universidad “Le Cordon Bleu”. Alli el se especializo en comida Internacional y Pasteleria. Su pasion lo llevo muy lejos, hasta llegar a ser parte del grupo que graduaria con honores. Durante el tiempo que el estuvo estudiando, Tahhan abrio su propia empresa de servicio de comidas y bebidas. Alli fue donde el pudo poner todo en practica.

Despues de un tiempo, Chef James decidio audicionar para un programa matutino llamado “Levantate”. Fue entonces que el se convirtio en el Chef oficial de la cadena de TV. Poco despues, el canal “Utilisima” le dio la oportunidad de ser parte del programa exclusivo “Puro Chef”. Uno de sus grandes logros es el haber sido escogido para participar en la campana “NBC Healthy Week” que se transmitia para el publico Americano.

No te olvides de buscar a este Chef en los Premios Latinos Gourmet!

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