MexTour Live Dallas kicked-off this past Wednesday in the AT&T Discovery District in Dallas, with a special appearance from norteño band, Intocable, along with hundreds of fans and the Mexican National Team. The Green Carpet welcomed various VIP’s like soccer legend Pavel Pardo, General Consulate of Mexico in Dallas Francisco De La Torre, Mexican players Raul Jimenez, Erik Lira, Alexis Vega, and Nestor Araujo, among other important celebrities.
MexTour Live is one of various activities happening this weekend that will finalize with the Mexico vs Nigeria match taking place this Saturday, May 28th, in the AT&T Stadium. MexTour is the annual nationwide tour of the Mexico National Team that will play against various teams. This year they will match up against Nigeria, Uruguay, Ecuador, Paraguay among others.
If you’d like to purchase tickets, please visit www.mextour.org.